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Listening Mutant 2020

Classical music and "Serious Games"

Interdisciplinary project & research (2021, Holland Festival)

Together with composer Micha Hamel I designed a radical listening-labyrinth for the concert hall; an environment full of challenging tasks, in which the audiences was challenged to sharpen their ears as "listening mutants" and experience music in a radically new way. 


The audience listening behavior provided data for the researchers in the project.

Is there is a relationship between listening to classical music and listening to another person?

Performance photographs

Listening mutant 2020 is part of the research:


Gameful Music Performances for Smart, Inclusive and Sustainable Societies, uitgevoerd door:

RASL – Rotterdam Arts and Science Lab
Codarts – Lectoraat Performance Practice
Willem de Kooning Academie
Erasmus Universiteit
Technische Universiteit Delft




Artistic concept: Micha Hamel, Arlon Luijten
Direction: Arlon Luijten
Composition: Bram Kortekaas, Felix Mendelssohn
Text: Daniël van Klaveren
Games: Arlon Luijten, Annebeth Erdbrink, dr. Rens Kortmann, Micha Hamel, dr. Janna Michael
Orchestra: Philharmonie Zuidnederland
Conductor: Bas Wiegers
Actrice: Lidewij Mahler
Performers: students and alumni of JTSZO Amsterdam (Rowénshell Terrencio, Tizea Looijen, Keisha       Boye, Annastasia Kah, Suradnya Badal, Dorelia Schraven, Jahcysha Boschman, Christopher Hatton, Deshelle Haynes, Nienke Cogenbach, Jelainy Entingh)

Coaching: Nina Haanappel and Irene Lips

Research: Annebeth Erdbrink, dr. Janna Michael, Micha Hamel, dr. Rens Kortmann, prof. dr. Koen van Eijck

Mobile game: Students of Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (Ruben Hooijer, Misha van den Heuvel, Erik Wiersma, Wouter Kamies, Luuk Siewers and Reinier Maartense).

Begeleiding: Henk Fakkeldij and Wiebe Giebels

Listening-objects: Jan Neggers and students of the MBO Theatreschool Rotterdam (Daantje Janmaat, Eileen Kissi, Jerrel van den Hoven, Nancy Koetsier, Siris Koch, Nina de Vet, Dwayne Collignon, Esmee Daenen, Bart Langerak, Lars Wassenaar, Elisabeth Azzaro, Hajar Yakhlef, Nika Ferwerda, Nica Kraus, Maud Weber).

Begeleiding: Esther Viersen en David van der Wees, Nadia van Vuuren-den Hartogh, Dirk Sonneveld.

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