Future LABS
Break it, stretch it, bend it, crush it, crack it, fold it.
Co-creating pathways, events and off the grid interventions.
From the perspective of my art-, theatre- and education practice I design and facilitate playful Future Labs for organisations, companies, schools and communities.
The Labs help establish dialogue, support change and guide through a transition.
During these sessions we develop new perspectives, discover alternative strategies and amplify collective energies. My methodology is rooted in co-creation, dialoguing techniques and surprising interventions evolved from different disciplines.
In a form of playful explorations, wherein collective values and honest assessment of the current state of affairs are reestablished, creativity can be in full service to evoke change of the future.
Being an artist and an educator, I bring in fresh perspective into this field which makes my approach rather unique. Besides my expertise as a creator I integrate various knowledges and skills which I accumulated throughout my career. Socratic Design, intervision-techniques and Non Violent Communication are some of the examples of then methods I use. I
I design Future LABs trajectory in close collaboration with the client, developing a suitable proposition where both parties gain most value. It can be a one day session, a series of sessions or a longer transition trajectory.
Visual impressions​ (150 jaar Vooruit Nieuwe Waterweg)
"On a clear day, I can see forever"
Selection of clients:
Fivoor FPA / Forensische psychiatrie
150 jaar Vooruit Nieuwe Waterweg
TU Delft
Codarts, University of the Arts
Willem de Kooning Academie